
Hello, my name is Konstantin, also known as 2rage. I’m glad to welcome you to my website where I share knowledge and experience in the field of IT.

It's me :)

It’s me :)

My interest in the IT field began in childhood. During my school years, I actively engaged in programming with PAWN and LUA, creating my own server based on the SA-MP game modification. In university, I worked as a system administrator, where I gained valuable experience in managing infrastructure and network systems.

I then mastered DevOps methodologies, focusing on CI/CD practices. I am proficient in Python, which allows me to automate routine tasks and develop tools to improve CI/CD processes, configuration management, and system monitoring.

My passion for programming and desire to solve complex technical challenges led me to a career as a Python developer. I have successfully mastered frameworks such as Flask and SQLAlchemy, and I use APIs to enhance the interaction of applications with external services.

My goal is to excel in creating scalable and high-performance applications. I strive not only for professional growth but also for continuous learning to become an outstanding specialist in Python development.

My workflow:

Coming soon…